Thursday, March 16, 2006


This thing you mortals call "sleep"... I think I like it. We're on day three of the great Ambien experiment here, and so far, so good. No instances of eating in my sleep, or cooking in my sleep, or driving in my sleep... just three nights of solid slumber in a row... a first in I don't know how long. And I feel pretty good for it. Recharged.

The key has been setting myself a bedtime, enforcing it, and then making sure I get up about the same time everyday, regardless of what I have to do. Sounds simple enough. And now I'll just be trying to build on the last few nights and stay consistent until, hopefully, my body starts to regulate itself. In other news, we seem to be building on a good week for Burn Rome Burn. More CDs going out to "important" people, a gig at Double Door as part of the Shoeshine Boy Productions Anniversary party, an in-store appearance/concert at Tower Records on Clark Street, a spot as guest DJs for a two hour program on Fearless Radio, and a possible high profile opening gig which I won't jinx by mentioning.

Although I probably just jinxed it. Add to that the fact that I put together a tape with 7 new songs, and our rehearsal today should be pretty spirited. In terms of new material, it's getting pretty silly. We've got a collection of 5 tunes together which we'd like to record this spring as a quick n' dirty EP. And then, I've got a group of 9 (9!) tunes that sound to me like a good starting point for another full-length album. The group of 9 are cohesive yet still diverse and lyrically I think they all just kind of fit together in a way that I haven't written before.

They're all (for the most part) pretty simple and straightforward, and they'll challenge us to play in a new way in that they demand extremely restrained playing from everybody. So that's good. I'd like to add a couple more tunes to the 9 I've got so far and then see where we're at.

More news as the week wraps up. Think lovely thoughts. And dream.


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