Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Humpin' Towards Deerfield

(That sound? Yeats turning over in his grave.) It's Hump Day. Which isn't even 10% as salacious as its nickname implies. At least not around here in the mid-evening quiet.

Yesterday was just warm enough for me to don some shorts and go for a five mile jog outside... my first jog outside since New Year's Day. After nearly two months of hammering away on the treadmill, running my familiar northside route was a dream even if my legs and lungs were barely up to the task. And now the week falls away with some uncertainty.

I've got a CD of the songs I did with Jay in their final form... all I need to do is approve the mixes and we'll be ready to master (the final step of audio post-production). That's all I'll say about them for now... I've got a big, big entry (so to speak) about these recordings planned but I want to hold off on it to get some perspective on the whole project which has been truly watershed for me as a person and a musician... Although I guess pretty much every recording project I've ever been involved in has been watershed at the time. And I hope it never, ever stops feeling that way.

My emotions regarding the new recordings are conflicted... I'm nervous about what to do with this project and I'm excited about starting the BRB recording so soon, with all the lessons I've learned so fresh in my mind. But I'm also wary of experiencing an emotional letdown similar to the one I went through after Bottle Boy came out... starting a BRB recording immediately should help with that, as will the fact that the whole recording process was so different from anything I've gone through and happened so quickly.

Still... recording and creating and starting and finishing... it's all a beast... A rough beast at best. (Sorry, John Butler)

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