Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hello, hello, hello...

How-low? Anyone there? Yeah, I'm here. A bit lacking in the "free time" department, but here, nonetheless. Shit has been flying fast and furious, mostly on the law firm front... which is good for money, bad for energy.

If it's one thing I've learned from doing this split-schedule thing for... over three years now, it's that things go in phases. One job will pick up, one will mellow a little... and then the reverse. Although I'm a bit scared of the end of April, which will see a bunch of BRB stuff, a (traditionally) busy time for teaching, and most likely continued craziness at the law firm. Should be a fun ride.

So if I seem even loonier than usual (I know, hard to imagine)... you know why. And what sucks is that I've had a lot to write about lately, just no time to write. What with my bedtime and all. 

Oh, well. Whatever. Nevermind.


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