Saturday, July 22, 2006

Fortunate Son

You ever have one of those things happen that makes you want to call the people you love just to hear their voices? And go home and hug you spouse and your dog and cat? My sister recently had a friend who was robbed while she was home sleeping. Luckily, she wasn't hurt but still... if makes you aware of how easily things can happen to people you love, people who are integral parts of your life and heart.

Take, for instance, this Friday. I got to work expecting that my boss would be out of the office and therefore Friday would go by quickly, efficiently, and without incident. Instead, at about 9:30 a.m., we got an email that she would be coming through the office in the afternoon and then out for half of next week, the reason being that her brother had died of a heart attack at the age of 56 on Thursday night. The exact circumstances are so heartwrenching I'll spare you the details... but it really hit me like a ton of bricks.

My life has been one of incredible fortune when it comes to the well-being of those closest to me. I have two living, married parents. I have three living grandparents. The fourth, my paternal grandfather, died in the 60's when my dad was in his late teens. Of a heart attack. I believe he was in his late 40's. I just can't imagine having somebody that close to me walk out of my life one day and never come back. I just can't.

Living with whatever was left unsaid, whatever was left undone, whatever stupid fight or disagreement will always be the last memory you have of someone you love. I know life is loss and everyone will have to deal with loss at some point in his or her life. I know that anyone, anyone, no matter how old or young or sick or healthy can be gone in the blink of an eye. I know that I should try and live life with this in mind, to let this guide the way I treat my relationships and the people I love.

Hopefully, I can embrace it fully and head off regret at the pass. Hopefully. And now, back to your regularly scheduled bullshit.


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